The Thornton Tomasetti Foundation accepts proposals from individuals who represent organizations wishing to fund activities or projects through grants that support the development of the AEC industry. Students seeking to apply for a fellowship or support for education costs should work through the department head and/or dean of their college or university to apply for a Thornton Tomasetti Foundation scholarship. The Foundation does not accept requests from individual students.
The Foundation has a rolling schedule for Architecture, Engineering and Construction grant proposals and considers applications as they are received. We will confirm receipt of your application and at that time give you an approximate time for a decision.
Successful applicants are asked to submit a progress report (500 words) with photographs during the middle of the program and a final report (1000 words) at the end of the program with photographs and a few figures, if applicable.
Please email your complete application on your organization’s letterhead with the following details:
The function and mission of your organization, including information about the board of directors. (150 words)
Description of project, including, but not limited to: purpose and benefits, location, budget, schedule, leaders and other contributors (committed & potential)
How will funding be used? Indicate the percentage of funding for administrative costs. (100 words)
How will lessons learned from this project be applied to other projects or programs? (100 words)
Provide a summary of a past projects, including description, budget and dates started and completed. (1 page max)
Please email your complete application on your organization’s letterhead. If you have any questions please contact us for assistance.
We’re happy to help answer any questions.
120 Broadway, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10271-0016